Digital Sticker /
Transparent Sticker(White Color / 4C+ White Color)

Digital Color Printing Sticker
  13" x 19"
Quantity Unit Price Total Straight and cross semi-cut Custom graphic semi-cut
1pc $50 $50

$5/10 cuts
per sheet
(Over 50 cuts
email to quote.)

5pcs $17 $85
10pcs $12 $120
20pcs $11 $220 email to quote
30pcs $10 $300
40pcs $9 $360
50pcs $8 $400
100pcs $6 $600 email to quote
200pcs $5 $1000

Digital Transparent Sticker
  A3 Size (297mm x 420mm)
Quantity Unit Price Total Abrosion Resistance Sticker Straight and cross semi-cut Custom graphic semi-cut
1pc $60 $60



$5/10 cuts
per sheet
(Over 50 cuts
email to quote.)

5pcs $19 $95
10pcs $14 $140
20pcs $13 $260 email to quote
30pcs $12 $360
40pcs $11 $440
50pcs $10 $500
100pcs $8 $800 email to quote
200pcs $7 $1400

UV Flat Inkjet Transparent Sticker
Size Transparent Sticker 100pcs 200pcs 300pcs 400pcs 500pcs
2x3cm White Color $200 $250 $300 $330 $470
4C $300 $350 $540 $570 $830
4C+White Color $400 $450 $800 $830 $1200
3x4cm內 White Color $200 $330 $470 $600 $750
4C $300 $570 $830 $1100 $1350
4C+White Color $400 $830 $1200 $1600 $2000
4x5cm內 White Color $330 $470 $750 $890 $1120
4C $570 $830 $1350 $1600 $2000
4C+White Color $830 $1200 $2000 $2400 $2900
5x6cm內 White Color $470 $750 $1120 $1450 $1700
4C $830 $1350 $2000 $2650 $3100
4C+White Color $1200 $2000 $2900 $3900 $4700
6x7cm內 White Color $600 $1170 $1700 $2300 $2850
4C $1100 $2100 $3100 $3250 $5200
4C+White Color $1600 $3100 $4700 $4800 $7800
7x8cm內 White Color $750 $1450 $2100 $2850 $4000
4C $1350 $2650 $3900 $5200 $7000
4C+White Color $2000 $3900 $5900 $7800 $10000
Other Size - please email to quote All the price include Diecut